On surrendering

A Surrendered Life

As I am clearly aware that I am manifested life, nothing can possibly happen to me and others by chance. Conversely, my integrated and surrendered role is to explore my creative potential in everything I do, feel, think and say. To live, experience and stay creatively active and aware. Creativity is infinite in surrender. I am in control of my destiny and of the quality of my experiences; but only through the channels of surrender. To surrender is to let go of resistance as you become aware of it; it is an organic and ongoing process. I am often whole and total in what I feel, think and do. My intuition is alive and infinitely intelligent. Presence is my dwelling. I see my helplessness and incapacity to control life and I have a sense of humor about it.

A Non-Surrendered Life

I believe through various degrees of projections and mostly subconsciously that I am at the effect of life. I resist surrender with all I have got. My life, experiences, relationships, and myself are typically anxious and tense or busy covering it up. I need constant validation, power and control. I am always on the move and never satisfied. I trust noone and fear everything though I will never admit it. I never feel whole; I only pretend to or project it. The past or future is where I dwell. I think about myself constantly. Fear is my dwelling. I remember joy but rarely feel it nor express it. I live in hiding.

To be aware and sense both aspects of this polarity is quite something. To be aware is to not touch nor disturb anything that occurs, surfaces or manifests regarless of what it is…including all reactions to it.

Philippe Benichou, also known as Eric Stone, is a French-American artist currently living in Bédoin, Mont Ventoux, France. Born in France in 1957, his mother, Arlette Oger, and his uncle, Jean Oger, were recognised artists in France. Philippe is also a highly respected figure within the performing arts field as an actor, voice artist and director. He’s the original founder of the Hollywood Actors Studio where he has taught and lectured on acting, creativity and artistic self-expression since 1989. Philippe formally studied with well-known art educator and sculptor Francis Coelho, in San Francisco, CA. Exhibitions of his work have taken place worldwide including those at MOCA Museum of Computer Art in New York and his paintings are found in many public and private collections in the U.S. and Europe. He is the recipient of awards in United States for his artistic merit. He continues to study art as it relates to self-realization and the healing powers of color and abstract compositions.

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